Sunday, January 07, 2007

Out with the old.....

Well, the first official project of 2007 has been officially scrapped. I was making a sweater with unusual knit it in one huge piece, then the fronts are crossed and invisibly seamed to the shoulders. This unsual construction is what kept me going...and going...and going....on what seemed liked miles of endless stockinette. (I tolerated it by doing lots of car knitting while on a Wintery family vaca...) Long story short, once I completed the sleeves, I found that they were WAY....TOO...SMALL. When I say small, I mean cut off the circulation to your wrists and forearms too small. I double-checked my guage (YES, I did do a swatch to start off with...) Looks like my already tight knitting tightened up some more. By a lot, as evidenced by said sleeves. So, here's the dilemma: do I frog and start again?? Can i just tell you, the thought of re-knitting all that stockinette makes me feel rather queasy. Currently, the project is stuffed in the bottom of a bag, out of sight.. What would you do?

1 comment:

Cathi said...

Let it marinate- I (hate to the bearer) can't imagine it would grow too much, at least to a point that would be comfortable, but if you don't want to rip, don't. If you want to keep working, though, I would say put the offending sleeve at the bottom of the basket and work on another piece- by the time you need the yarn from the sleeve, you'll be close to done and you won't mind ripping since you'll soon have a new sweater! :)