Here they are, in all their sockiness. Plain vanilla cuff-down pattern, but the yarn makes them cute. AND (drum-roll please......), I can officially allow myself to start my Adrienne Vittadini lace cardi.
In other news, I picked up the new Rebecca magazine this week. Actually, my mom picked it up for me, bless her. But I must say, if I had seen it first, I probably wouldn't have purchased it. (OK, that is a big fat lie, because I am sick in the head and feel I have to purchase almost every new cool knitting publication, even if I am disappointed with the contents....). Which, by the way, I am. Disappointed, that is. There was maybe one design in the whole issue that turned my crank, a pullover with a cool stitch made out of GGH's new yarn called Tara. Otherwise, I looked through and thought "ugh, nothing." Rats.
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