Thursday, June 26, 2008

Nearly done

You'll notice from these photos that some progress has been made......the hoodie is assembled and blocked, except for the hood.  Turns out the hood was a booger, too......It called to have 40 stitches on either side of the 19 held stitches picked up.  Seemed like no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't find space for more than 30 stitches on each side.  AAARGH, I picked up and ripped back at least six times.  My stubborn streak took over, and the seventh time was a charm.  So, after all that work, was I really going to sew it up with sleeves of two different lengths?  Uh, apparently not.  So I've ripped the offending sleeve, and am in the process of re-knitting.  Stay tuned.....

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