Wednesday, October 03, 2007

New goods...

I thought I'd spare you the pictures of navy blue vest pieces blocking. At least the pieces are done; once they're dry, I'll assemble them, then (yuck) the button band needs to be knit on. I say "yuck" because I hate the process of figuring out button holes. Anyone have any great ideas about this? I am sure for the mathematically minded, this process is easy, or at least fun in some sort of way?

Instead, I'm including a picture of my latest inspiration, Veronik Avery's "Knitting Classic Style". Did I mention that I am a horrible book junkie? It mean, it's bad. So of course, I ordered this hot off the press. There are a few interesting designs in here that I could be inspired to make, like the knitted "Military Jacket", and the "Layered Skater's Top" done in kid silk haze.

1 comment:

La Cabeza Grande said...

I'm with you on the book junkie thing! I have this Classic Avery book also. Thanks for the review and for stopping by my blog :o)