Tuesday, February 27, 2007


In between all the yarn-overs and ssk's required in my little lace lattice number I've been working on these. One bright beauty done, one to go!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Project Update

Here is a little update of project lacey lattice. One back and two fronts done! Please don't look for mistakes, yup, they are there, and they are staying. So there. Now on to the sleeves.....I just have to close my eyes and not think about the implications of sleeves, just do them.

I have the sweater pieces laid out on my "blocking rug". I got this idea ages ago from Bonne Marie and it has worked great for me. Love that I can roll it up when I'm done!

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Bonehead moment

Aargh. So I am merrily working away on the second front of the Lacey lattice cardi. And watching an old BBC video (Inspector Morse...I'm a sucker for those old BBC mystery movies.) I get to the armhole decreases and think to myself "wow, I am really cranking, here. Almost done with the second front... *chortle chortle*". My next thought is "hmmm, but something isn't, well, quite right. Maybe I should count...." Egads. While I'm merrily doing the waist increases, I glibly forgot to do the neckline decreases. And there are a lot of them. Every 4 rows 16 times, to be exact. (How did I not notice that I had, oh, about 20 extra stitches on my needle? And I was drinking tea instead of wine. In fact, maybe that was part of the problem.) Did I mention that the lacey lattice design is a 12 row repeat? 6 inches of ripping, my friends. 6 inches. Not only that, but don't you love trying to put all the stitches of a lace pattern back on the needle, without dropping yarn-overs, etc.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Eye candy Friday

Ooh la la, lookie what I got for an early birthday gift. That's Alchemy Haiku plus one hand of their bamboo yarn......

I know, I should be showing off my latest progress on my Lacey lattice cardi, but I figured it could wait.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Portable knitting

As I plug away at the lacey lattice cardigan, I still need to have something portable to work on. I saw this BRIGHT yarn and had to have it. It's Lorna's Laces Shepherd sport, color 630 Bittersweet. My 6 y.o. daughter fell in love with the pink, purple and tangerine color combo. Actually, I also fell in love with the color combo. I was thinking how it would brighten up my humdrum-mommy jeans and clogs. So, I merrily cast on 56 stitches, the normal number if I'm working top down socks in sport weight yarn. I thought I would do a feather and fan design on the leg, a'la Wendy. So far, so good, very cute. Guess what? The leg is waaaay to small for me. Lucky 6 y.o. girl will get socks after all!!! That'll teach me to be so selfish....

Friday, February 02, 2007

Lacey lattice

Here is the project that I'm using the Aurora 8 for, from Vittadini Spring 2005. So far so good, except I h*te doing increases while trying to stay in pattern...apparently my shriveled brain can't handle that kind of concentration at 10pm each night after the last child has finally gone to bed! Fortunately, any small "imperfections" are pretty well hidden in the dark chocolately brown color I am using. That is my 3 y.o. son helping me stretch it out to measure!